by Ramona Keith Ramona Keith

Food Safety Code for Manufacturing, Edition 8.1; SQF Quality Code, Edition 8.1

Safe Quality Food is a certification process that is globally recognized and annually audited by a 3rd party to ensure certifications are not only maintained but exceed previous efforts by showing documented continuous improvement. This rigorous farm-to-fork food safety and quality certification also helps food producers assure their buyers that their food products meet the highest possible global food safety standards. Reducing process variance and focusing on process controls are key to Safe Quality Food certification. Safe Quality Food is commonly referred to as SQF.

On January 9th, TFP Nutrition received a 98 / 100 after their annual SQF audit. This audit was conducted in accordance with most recent version: SQF Edition 8.1 for Manufacturing & Quality. This is the highest rating in the company’s history.

TFP Nutrition team members ensured the facilities were clean and well organized as usual. The auditor noted this in the exit meeting. The auditor also noted that outside grounds were well maintained. All employees interviewed well and were eager to participate. Our team members are knowledgeable regarding food safety practices. The auditor made note that we have a good laboratory facility. The two things our auditor left us with are that an excellent rating is difficult to achieve and that this was due to the team’s effort which should be a source of pride. It is a source of pride and we recognize that people are the best part of the business. We are very fortunate to have these people we have on our team.